What can yoga do for me ?

Yoga is an ancient practice, originating in India around around 500 years BCE.   The original focus was on ‘taming the mind’ in order to find a path to spiritual enlightenment and the practices were often austere: restricting food or behaviours, hours of sitting...

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Yoga Breathing Workshop

Yoga Breathing Workshop

How you breathe can affect how you feel - both in your body and your head !   Come along to a two-hour yoga workshop and learn how to breathe better.  Breathing training can help to improve the symptoms of all types of discomfort - asthma, back pain, stress - to name...

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Friday Morning Yoga starts April 15th… Book now !

Friday Morning Yoga starts April 15th… Book now !

I've been asked many times if I teach a regular yoga class (other than the bi-monthly workshops) and so I'm pleased to tell you that after Easter I will be running a 5-week course. There are only 8 places in this small class at the lovely Garden Studio in South...

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Finding Health

Finding Health

Welcome to my Blog Here you will find news about Finding Health, Yoga Workshops and interesting things about health and wellbeing.  I hope you enjoy the read.  

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